发布时间:2024-12-21 23:30:35来源:未知
拉德堡德大学(Radboud University Nijmegen),又译“奈梅亨大学”,坐落于荷兰最古老的城市奈梅亨,是欧洲顶尖的研究型学术院校 。荷兰阿纳姆-内梅亨大学是荷兰政府教育部所属的一所著名公立大学,也是荷兰最大的一所大学之一。其工程和技术领域的教学一直处于领先地位。现有在校学生18000多人,教职工1700名。内梅亨大学坐落于荷兰东南部的内梅亨市,始创于1923年。近百年的发展历程铸就了该校厚重的文化底蕴和浓重的学术氛围,同时梅亨大学也跻身于世界名校之列。由于学校在教学创新上颇有建树,注重师生互动,革新教学方法,在学术上不断进步,使得学校在众多领域上硕果累累。
PHD Candidate or Postdoctoral Researcher in Condensed Matter Theory
Employment: 0.8 - 1.0 FTE
Gross monthly salary: € 2,443 - € 4,490
Faculty of Science
Required background: PhD / Research University Degree
Application deadline: 24 April 2022
You are deeply interested in condensed matter theory.
You have good oral and written English communication skills.
Knowledge and experience of any of the following topics is desirable: ab initio calculations, quantum many-body theory, superconductivity (especially Eliashberg theory), GW method, dynamical mean-field theory, theory of magnetism.
You hold a Master's or PhD degree in physics (or an equivalent degree), completed before the start date.
PhD Candidate in Investigating Practices of Interdisciplinary Research and Education
Employment: 0.8 - 1.0 FTE
Gross monthly salary: € 2,443 - € 3,122
Faculty of Science
Required background: Research University Degree
Application deadline: 11 April 2022
You hold a Master's degree in science and technology studies, social sciences, philosophy of science, or a related field.
You have an affinity for the natural and/or life sciences.
You have experience with qualitative empirical social scientific research.
You have an analytical and philosophical mind.
You have excellent communication skills and the willingness to work in a dynamic, international research team.
You have a good command of spoken and written English.
PhD Candidate: Land Tenure Security for Refugees and Host Communities in Uganda
Employment: 1.0 FTE
Gross monthly salary: € 2,443 - € 3,122
Nijmegen School of Management
Required background: Research University Degree
Application deadline: 27 March 2022
You have a Master's degree in anthropology, development studies, sociology, human geography, political sciences, or a related field.
You have academic excellence, as evidenced by grade transcripts and CV.
You have experience in conducting ethnographic field research in sub-Saharan Africa or research on land governance related issues, or both.
You have an excellent command of written and spoken English.
You are able to work both independently and as a team player.
You have experience with and are committed to action research/research methodologies involving close collaboration with policy makers and development practitioners, and you can demonstrate an interest in translating research findings to non-academic stakeholders, including local people; you also have experience with facilitating workshops or other training activities.
You have strong skills in project management, flexibility, proactive behaviour and excellent academic writing skills so that you will be able to finish your PhD thesis in time.
You are willing to spend a substantial part of the contract period in Uganda (two periods of 9-12 months).
We particularly encourage applicants from the region to apply.
PhD Candidate at the Centre for Language Studies
Employment: 0.8 - 1.0 FTE
Gross monthly salary: € 2,443 - € 3,122
Faculty of Arts
Required background: Research University Degree
Application deadline: 1 April 2022
You have a Master's degree (or expect to complete the degree before September 2022) in one of the disciplines related to CLS.
You have a declaration of approval by a provisional PhD supervisor (a full or associate professor with the right to award doctorates) from the Centre for Language Studies.
You are result-oriented and fluent in English, and have excellent writing skills.
Demonstrable research experience in the field of your proposal will be considered an advantage.
PhD Candidates for the Behavioural Science Institute Graduate School
Employment: 0.8 - 1.0 FTE
Gross monthly salary: € 2,443 - € 3,122
Faculty of Social Sciences
Required background: Research University Degree
Application deadline: 20 March 2022
You hold a Master's degree (e.g. a taught or research Master's degree in Behavioural Science, Psychology, Educational Science or Communication Science).
You have excellent research, methodological and statistical skills.
PhD Candidate: Open Strategizing for Infrastructures in Transition (PRONTO)
Employment: 1.0 FTE
Gross monthly salary: € 2,443 - € 3,122
Nijmegen School of Management
Required background: Research University Degree
Application deadline: 27 March 2022
You have a Master's degree in business administration, public administration, organization theory, operational research, policy studies, innovation or transition studies, or a related field. A Research Master's degree would be an asset, as would experience with participatory modelling and/or system dynamics.
You have a multidisciplinary background, combining both quantitative and qualitative skills, and a sensitivity to the perspectives of the wide variety of stakeholders.
You have a strong, proven interest in academic research that has an impact on future-proof infrastructure.
You have proven organizational and social skills and a good command of written and spoken English. A good command of Dutch would be an asset.
PhD Candidate in Algebraic Topology
Employment: 1.0 FTE
Gross monthly salary: € 2,443 - € 3,122
Faculty of Science
Required background: Research University Degree
Application deadline: 20 March 2022
You hold a Master's degree in Mathematics (or an equivalent degree), completed before the start date.
You have a strong background in algebraic topology or related areas.
You have excellent writing and communication skills.