发布时间:2025-01-05 16:25:22来源:未知
美国umt大学是私立学校吗?美国umt大学是一所私立性质的学校。该大学成立于 1998 年,提供经认可的本科和研究生学位,包括副学士、学士、硕士和博士学位以及证书课程。
umt 由弗吉尼亚州高等教育委员会 (SCHEV) 特许,并获得远程教育认证委员会 (DEAC) 的认可。umt 的项目管理学位课程也获得了项目管理协会 (PMI) 的全球认证中心 (GAC) 的认证。
umt 经美国教育部授权,可以向在 umt 注册符合条件的课程的符合条件的学生提供联邦学生援助 (FSA)。UMT经美国国土安全部美国公民及移民服务局授权接受F-1签证学生。umt是美国国务院授权赞助J-1签证的国际交换生。
1. 学生群体多元化,促进多元与融合
Our talented Alumni has made us proud by making significant achievements in their respective fields. Our diverse alumni body encompasses some of the finest architects, engineers, journalists, lawyers, business leaders, educationists and health care experts of the concurrent times.
2. 课程设置满足环境不断变化
The University of Management and Technology has evolved into a premier institution of higher learning in the country. UMT is considered among the top universities of the region for its undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs concocted to meet the ever-changing needs of the higher-education milieu of the country.
管理与技术大学已发展成为该国首屈一指的高等教育机构。UMT 被认为是该地区顶尖大学之一,其本科、研究生和博士学位课程旨在满足该国高等教育环境不断变化的需求。
3. 重视学生录取
The rising number of students at the varsity is met with an equally rigorous effort by the management and faculty to maintain the quality as well as standard of education imparted to our scholars.