发布时间:2025-02-27 05:58:54来源:未知

Becoming a Golden Bear requires more than a test score. To be Berkeley requires persistence. And passion. You stand up and you stand out.
You are an international applicant if a visa is required to reside and study in the United States. A U.S. citizen, permanent resident, refugee or asylee who currently lives and studies outside the U.S. is considered a domestic applicant with foreign credentials.
Students who have completed the IGCSE or O-level exams have not yet met the requirements for admission at UC Berkeley. The university requires further study, either completion of the two-year A-level program with a minimum of three academic exams, the IB diploma program, or another similar academic curriculum.
(1)Meet the A-G subject course requirements高中毕业成绩
(2)Have a 3.0 GPA in A-G courses taken in the 10th and 11th grade years. (3.4 GPA for non-residents)因为加州大学伯克利分校GPA平均分在3.91以上,所以,申请者GPA成绩最好高于3.91;
(3)Take either the SAT reasoning exam or the ACT exam.
SAT阅读成绩:670-760 SAT写作成绩:660-780 SAT总分:1330-1540