发布时间:2025-01-23 18:38:37来源:未知
![加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校金融专业 加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校金融专业](https://www.jdidi.cn/images/a126.jpg)
加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),是美国加州系名校之一,每年不计其数的中国学生蜂拥而至,下面51出国留学51出国留学老师为大家详细介绍加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校金融专业。
Master of Financial Engineering 金融工程硕士专业介绍:
The Berkeley Master of Financial Engineering (MFE) degree is a full-time, one-year graduate degree offered by the Haas School of Business. Students enrolled in the MFE Program learn to use theoretical finance, mathematics, and computer programming skills to make pricing, hedging, trading, and portfolio management decisions.
From faculty members who are the force behind groundbreaking financial instruments to the industry leaders who advise on the curriculum, this STEM degree program is designed to be relevant in a constantly evolving industry.
MFE students must successfully complete 30 units of coursework (1 unit = 15 class hours), including the Morgan Stanley Applied Finance Project, plus an internship or on-site project. The 10- to 12-week internship project is a required condition for graduation.
Top financial institutions and technology companies are among those that hire Haas graduates as interns and full-time employees. Employers seek out Berkeley MFE students, because they demonstrate not only a mastery of powerful quantitative and management tools, but also a solid understanding of best practices for the changing technological, global, and human dimensions of business.
据统计,2018级毕业生100%都拿到了Job Offer,第一年的薪资的中位数为159,402美元。92%毕业生毕业后继续留在美国工作,毕业生雇主包括Goldman Sachs、JP Morgan、Morgan Stanley、Barclays、Blackrock、Citi、Bank of America等。
分析完录取数据,侯老师再给大家看看UCB的MFE项目学生的背景。就拿UBC官网上18年Winnie Yu为例。本科就读于山东大学BS, Management Sciences & EngineeringShandong University,博士学位就读于北京大学,PhD, Management Sciences & EngineeringPeking University。18届Shiyu Du,硕士就读于杜克大学:MS, Engineering/Industrial Management Duke University,本科就读于复旦大学BS, Nuclear Science & Technology,Fudan University。所以大家可以看到,申请到UBC的学生并不是本科背景直接申请,很多学生都是具有硕士或者博士学位的申请者,而且很多学生都是有很好的工作背景的申请者。