

大学分析 > 出国留学 > 美国留学 >


发布时间:2025-01-03 07:18:03来源:未知


  1.保持开放的心态Keep an Open Mind

  I shared this story with more detail in one of my previous blogs: when I came into Dartmouth, I was set on pursuing an engineering degree. I was big on math and science in high school and so I thought engineering was perfect for me. Days into the prerequisites, I found out that engineering was actually not my calling.

  So, I recommend that you keep an open mind and explore your options before deciding that you are pursuing a particular major. Try things outside of your comfort zone, and don't be afraid to take a random class that sounds exciting, but doesn't fit your current plans. You never know—that class could be where you discover your true passion.



  2.消除一些干扰Knock Out Some Distribs

  At Dartmouth, we have distributive requirements (aka "distribs") that are meant to encourage you to try a class in every academic corner of the College. As a first-year, it is a good idea to cross these off your list. For one thing, distribs are a great way to see what's out there. You can explore and discover your interests without worrying about what your major will be. Look through the course selection, and create a diverse schedule. This will make studying easier and more interesting as you diversify your thinking.

  See you for the next edition of the First-Year Series!



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