

大学分析 > 出国留学 > 美国留学 >


发布时间:2025-02-19 14:39:38来源:未知





  GSBA 548 Corporate Finance Units: 2, 3

  FBE 559 Management of Financial Risk Units: 3

  ISE 563 Financial Engineering Units: 3

  EE 503 Probability for Electrical and Computer Engineers Units: 4

  EE 512 Stochastic Processes Units: 3

  EE 518 Mathematics and Tools for Financial Engineering Units: 4

  EE 590 Directed Research Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


  ECON 500 Microeconomic Analysis and Policy Units: 4

  ECON 501 Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Units: 4

  ECON 613 Economic and Financial Time Series I Units: 4

  FBE 529 Financial Analysis and Valuation Units: 3

  FBE 535 Applied Finance in Fixed Income Securities Units: 1.5, 3

  (3 units required)

  FBE 540 Hedge Funds Units: 3

  FBE 543 Forecasting and Risk Analysis Units: 3

  FBE 554 Trading and Exchanges Units: 3

  FBE 555 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Units: 3

  FBE 589 Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities and Markets Units: 3

  ISE 566 Financial Accounting Analysis for Engineering Units: 3

  3、Optimization, Simulations, Stochastic Systems:选择两门课程修读6-8个学分:

  CSCI 455x Introduction to Programming Systems Design Units: 4

  CSCI 570 Analysis of Algorithms Units: 4

  CSCI 567 Machine Learning Units: 4

  EE 588 Optimization for the Information and Data Sciences Units: 4

  ISE 525 Design of Experiments Units: 3

  ISE 529 Predictive Analytics Units: 3

  ISE 530 Optimization Methods for Analytics Units: 3

  ISE 536 Linear Programming and Extensions Units: 3

  ISE 539 Stochastic Elements of Simulation Units: 3



