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发布时间:2025-01-03 06:45:37来源:未知


  一、Common App Activities Section

  The Common App activities section是一个向Common App院校展示你的才能、技能以及你在过去几年中参加的课外活动的具体例子的绝佳机会。

  The main purpose of your activities list is to highlight all of your awesome-ness, as well as the impact you’ve had in your activities, beyond what you’re sharing in your response to the Common App essay prompts.

  活动列表的主要用途是突出你所有的优点,以及你在活动中产生的影响,而不是你在回答Common App主文书问题时分享的内容。

  二、University of California (UC) Application Activities List

  The UC Activities List (加州大学活动列表)是加州大学申请中的专用空间,你在这里列出并简要描述你在课外的所有时间是如何度过的。

  除了你的GPA,你的标化成绩,以及你对加州大学Personal Insight问题的回答(主文书),这是你脱颖而出的机会,表明你一旦进入你选择的加州大学校园,你可能会做出怎样的贡献。

  三、UC Application Activities List的具体作用

  While your Personal Insight Questions show who you are, your activities list shows what you’ve done.

  你的Personal Insight问题(主文书)显示了你是谁,你的活动列表则显示了你所做的事情。

  Keywords: leadership, responsibility, impact.


  四、Common Application与UC Application Activities Section的区别

  The UC Activities List is more comprehensive than the Common App Activities List. Why? Because the UC Activities List gives you up to 20 blanks for inputting your activities and awards, and up to 350 characters of space for describing each activity.

  · The UC Activities List比Common App Activities List更全面。为什么?因为加州大学活动列表给你提供了多达20个空格来输入你的活动和奖项,以及多达350个字符的空间来描述每个活动。

  The Common App only gives you space for 10 activities (and 150 character descriptions), as well as 5 honors and awards.

  · Common App只给了10个活动(和150个字符)的空间,以及5个荣誉和奖项。


  1. UC的活动清单没有补充空间,你需要合理规划20个活动与奖项的组合

  2. CommonApps有补充环节,但需要fill in less important content

  Pro tips:

  If you’re applying to the UCs and Common App schools, make your UC Activities List first, then choose your top 10 for the Common App and cut down the 350 characters descriptions to 150 characters as needed.


  如果你要申请 UC 和 Common App 学校,请先制作 UC 活动列表,然后为 Common App 选择前 10 名,并根据需要将 350 个字符的描述减少到 150 个字符。

  • UC活动列表更复杂,所需信息更多

  • UC不同分类的活动所需信息略有不同




