发布时间:2024-12-31 22:23:37来源:未知
我在Queenstown游客中心页面上给你找的,能看懂吗?上面有医院的地址和电话实在有紧急e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb931333339656436的事情可以打111Queenstown Visitor InformationEmergencies and medical centres in QueenstownNew Zealand Emergency Services: Ambulance, Fire and Police. Dial 111 from any public or private telephone or mobile phone in New Zealand. Queenstown Police: Phone 03 441 1600 from within Queenstown. The police station is located at 11 Camp Street, Queenstown. Queenstown Hospital: The Lakes District Hospital is located at 20 Douglas Street, Frankton. Phone 03 441 0015 from within the Queenstown region. Queenstown doctors & medical centres:Queenstown Medical Centre: 9 Isle Street, Queenstown & Remarkables Park Phone 03 441 0500Arrowtown Surgery: Berkshire Street, Arrowtown. Phone 03 442 1215Wakatipu Medical Centre: 11 McBride Street, Frankton. Phone 03 442 2288