申请密歇根大学商学院的full MBA,是否必须要有工作经验?


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申请密歇根大学商学院的full MBA,是否必须要有工作经验?

发布时间:2025-02-21 17:49:37来源:未知

申请密歇根大学商学院的full MBA,是否必须要有工作经验? 小朋友啊,不管是啥学校,只要是MBA就要工作经验.另外,工作经验是申请MBA最重要的factor,比语言类考试重要的多。你工作的height&quality直接决定你申请MBA的档次。不知道你说的是密歇根还是密歇根州立,前者的话在FAQ里面已经说的很清楚:We do not require a minimum number of years work experience prior to entering the MBA Program, but most of our admitted students have at least one year of work experience prior to entering. We evaluate work experience, not in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality: the impact the applicant has had on their organization and his or her natural leadership qualities. Those who wish to join us at an earlier stage of their career should be able to demonstrate what they will be able to contribute to the Ross experience, as well as have superb academic credentials and the maturity and self-confidence to handle the intensity of the program.上面这段话呢,说了两个意思:1.我们看重工作的quality,你要能展示你的天生的组织和领导才能。2.如果你工作没多久,那么你得有极其绚丽的(superb)学习成绩(GPA),以及你在处理问题过程中的成熟和自信。具体看:最后呢,密歇根的ROSS可是美国排名前5左右的商学院,这意味着你的工作起点或者公司至少应该是世界e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333264623165500强以内,并且你至少得在这些公司里面达到一个靠近中等管理者的职位。


