1. Credit benefit is that you can get enough credits to graduate, there are early, there are delays.2. The school system will only decide your enrollment, you choose clicking on just fine.University elective courses will be sub-professional, professional electives, school electives, and any university enrollment ... except mandatory, others are optional.3. electives, there schedule arrangements, you choose when you can see that if the election of course overlay, is a time of conflict, there will be prompt, you should elect. do not worry. Freshman very relaxed, relatively small class, you can choose your favorite, as the foundation, who are never to be you!e799bee5baa6e78988e69d8331333337626238 Like important, but to look at their credit is not super not super, my credit limit is 200, then have to pay super. Your school may not this system.4. Elective credits are included in the total credits. Usually students choose a few, inconclusive, choose one or two a semester count more, enough of you busy semester, and elective courses have exams? Good, pay a paper, well, then, closed book exam, however, are better, it is impossible to challenge the elective teacher with you.5. University program depends on your own, in the future wish to engage in what is best to prepare in advance, choose some courses associated with good, can stick to it certainly succeeded. Other interested election have nothing, learn a lot, technology does not push the body Well