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College students, living the good life美高校为增加魅力 推行人性化管理FROM China DailyPUBLISHED: 2010-11-22 A record high of 690,923 international students came to American colleges and universities last year, according to a recent report from the Institute of International Education. And who wouldn`t want to do so when student life seems a little easier these days? for better or worse?国际教育协会最新报道显示,去年赴美就读高校的留学生总数达到创纪录的69.0923万人。而如今美国的学生生活轻松惬意,不管留学的结果如何,又有谁能不动心去尝试一下呢?The first hurdle used to be at the start of freshman year, when students faced having to live with an assigned roommate with whom they may have had nothing in common.对于大一新生而言,他们面对的第一个难关便是不得不与学校分配的室友相处一室,尽管彼此毫无交集。Tolerating annoying habits, differing political views and radical mood swings can teach lessons that help in the real world. But for a narcissistic and highly curated generation, the goal is perfect harmony. Universities are contracting with matchmaking companies, where students fill out a questionnaire then receive a list of compatible freshmen.尝试去包容对方的恼人习惯、不同的政治立场及激烈的情绪波动,这有助于学到在现实世界中的处事之道。但对于孤芳自赏且自我独断的一代,和室友相处融洽更重要一些。现在,一些美国大学与交友资讯公司合作,学生填写这些公司出具的调查问卷后,就可以收到和自己志趣相投的大一新生名单。But some believe the process delays growing up. "Very quickly, college students are able to form self-selected cliques where their views are reinforced," Dalton Conley, a sociology professor at New York University, told The Times.但有些人认为此举会妨碍学生的成长进程。纽约大学社会学教授达尔顿•康利在接受《泰晤士报》采访时说表示:“(这样一来)大学生很快便会形成各自的,思想达成共鸣的小团体。”Still not comfortable? A growing number of colleges like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology let students bring pets. "It`s harder and harder for students to leave home," a president claims. "Bringing this particular piece of home with them may make that separation easier."这还不算舒适?那么看看下面的吧!包括麻省理工在内的越来越多的学校允许学生带宠物上学。一位校长称:“对于学生来说,离开家的过程变得越来越残酷,随身携带家里的某种特殊物件会使得这种分离变得更容易些。”Colleges acknowledge that these tactics are also ways to differentiate themselves in a competitive market for top students.美国的许多高校承认此举是为了在竞争激烈的(招生)市场中,凸显自身优势,进而吸引更多的顶尖学生。It`s also a competitive job market, and to make students look more attractive, some schools are inflating grades. In the last two years, at least 10 law schools have changed their grading systems to make them more lenient, reported The Times. Harvard and Stanford recently switched to a pass/fail system.就业市场亦是如此激烈,为了增强学生竞争力,有些学校开始放宽评分标准。《泰晤士报》报道,在过去的两年里,至少有10所法律院校放宽了他们的评分制度。近日,哈佛大学和斯坦福大学不约而同地改用及格/不及格的评分制度。You can also find access to free-for-all resources. Harvard, Yale and Stanford now offer a large portion of their courses online. In Britain, Open University even has its own YouTube channel. The very idea of a university has become unbundled, do-it-yourself and perhaps peerless -if not a little pampered.除了以上这些外,你还可以轻松获取完全免费的资源。现在,哈佛、耶鲁、斯福这些一流大学都开设了网上课程。位于英国的开放大学甚至在YouTube上拥有自己的频道。大学已然演化成无拘无束、自力更生、独具优势的代名词。当然这些的前提是不要对学生纵容。