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发布时间:2024-11-13 08:00:39来源:未知

美国密歇根大学认可雅思成绩么??? 商科是非常普通的课程,不必去Ann Arbor 校区,因为太贵太大,它有其地两个校园,Dearborn, 和 Flint 也可到其也学校读二三年才转有名一点的学校毕业,这儿大多数学生是这样这是Dearborn最低分数CBT TOEFLComputer-Based Test Overall 220IBT TOEFLInternet-Based Test 全部 84 读 23听 23讲 17写 21MELAB Overall 80IELTS Overall 6.5ECPE 熟练操作证书托福笔试 全部560International Student AdmissionThe University of Michigan-Dearborn is committed to building a diverse learning community and welcomes applications from qualified international students and from U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have international backgrounds.International Checklist of Required Materials for AdmissionsCompleted application formApplication fee ($75.00 for those who will be studying on an F or J visa)Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions, and proof of secondary school completion (academic records).English Language Proficiency (TOEFL or MELAB)Housing Statement (if required)Full Financial Support Information (Required for F and J Visa Students only)Health InsuranceSEVIS DS-2019 Request Form (J Visa Students only)Transfer Clearance document (required if student has a previous SEVIS I-20)Applicants in the following categories must provide additional information as described within the International Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions links below.国际学生入学美国密西根-迪尔伯恩大学致力于建设一个多元化的学习社区,欢迎合格的国际学生和美国公民或永久谁具有国际背景的居民申请。以下类别的申请人必须提供额外资料,在国际本科和研究生招生下面的链接描述。你是一个F - 1学生签证您拥有另一个临时签证(F-2, H-4, B-1, B-2, L-1, L-2)你持有难民或庇护地位你是美国永久居民您是美国公民,谁是英语非母语您是美国公民,谁出席了在美国以外的高中或大学国际清单入学所需材料填妥的申请表格报名费($为那些谁将会在一个F或J签证留学75.00)从所有正式成绩单专上院校,中学和完成(学历)的证明。英语能力(托福或MELAB)房屋声明(如需要)全额奖学金资助信息(所需的F和J签证的学生只)健康保险SEVIS系统的DS - 2019申请表(J签证的学生只)转移清关文件(如学生需要有一个以前的SEVIS I - 20表)You are an F-1 visa studentYou hold another temporary visa (such as F-2, H-4, B-1, B-2, L-1, L-2)You hold refugee or asylum statusYou are a permanent resident of the U.S.You are a U.S. citizen who is a non-native speaker of EnglishYou are a U.S. citizen who has attended high school or college outside the U.S.


