![[美国本科申请]early evaluation和early action的区别? [美国本科申请]early evaluation和early action的区别?](https://www.jdidi.cn/images/a58.jpg)
likely-possible-unlikely 很可能-可能-未必,表示逐次递减的可能性。early evaluationSome colleges inform students of their chances on a rating scale of Possible, Likely, Unlikely before some final decision is made. These evaluations are usually made after January 1. Such decisions are not irrevocable, and nor do they commit a student in any way.一些大学在最终结果出来前,告诉他们的学生被录取的几率:很可能,可能,可能不会。多于1月1日后给出。这些估计并非不可变更的,也不是对学生的任何承诺。