发布时间:2025-02-18 21:14:22来源:未知

Transfer students:
February 1 for fall and summer admission
(except Architecture and Landscape Architecture, with a deadline of December 31, and Music and Music Education, which we recommend you complete by March 1)
October 15 for spring admission
•High school and college transcripts are required to complete a transfer application. SAT or ACT scores are not required if you have completed more than one semester of full-time college coursework after your high school graduation.
•Transferring to Penn State University Park
Transfer students to Penn State University Park must have taken two years of full-time college coursework before the time of transfer.
•Each academic college has its own criteria for transfer admission. Criteria for transfer admission may include specific course requirements and a minimum cumulative grade point average.
If you have 2 semesters of work, a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required as well as 3 credits of either English composition/literature or effective speech and 3 credits of either college algebra or calculus.
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