新西兰留学 美国无疑从中国的留学潮中收益颇丰


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新西兰留学 美国无疑从中国的留学潮中收益颇丰

发布时间:2024-11-01 02:21:20来源:未知

新西兰留学 美国无疑从中国的留学潮中收益颇丰   最近几年很多有关于出国留学大调查,海归大调查等,这些调查有意义吗?很多人都有这样的疑问。
    With the release of the Annual Report on the Development of Chinese Returnees, concerns regarding the cost of studying abroad and the future benefits are rising among both students and parents. According to the report, it takes most overseas returnees at least five years to earn back their study abroad costs.     在2013年度《中国海归发展报告》发布之际,留学成本与未来收益也愈发引发学生与家长的担忧。该报告中称,大部分海归至少需要五年时间才能收回留学成本。     If it is worth the investment made to obtain a foreign degree has always been a issue concerning the growing trend of studying abroad in recent years.     近年来随着“出国潮”热度的不断攀升,投资“洋学位”到底值不值,一直是人们关心的话题。     In order to find out if studying abroad is still a worthwhile investment,The reporter talked to experts in related fields.     为弄清留学投资是否值得,记者特地采访了相关领域的专家。     More students are returning after studying abroad     海归人数暴增     Despite the heated debates about the value of overseas study, there has been a steady increase in the number of students going abroad.     虽然关于留学含金量的争论愈演愈烈,但出国留学生人数一直稳步上升。     According to the Chinese Ministry of Education, the number of Chinese students who studied abroad increased by 17.7 percent from 2011 to 2012. A total of 399,600 Chinese students went to study abroad last year.     2012年间,我国出国留学生数量增长了17.7%。去年,出国留学人数达到39.96万人。     The US is certainly benefiting from Chinese students’ ambition to study abroad: according to the US-based Institute of International Education’s Open Doors 2013 report, which provides detailed data on student flows into and out of the US, during the 2012/13 academic year, Chinese student enrollments increased by 21.4 percent to more than 235,000.     美国无疑从中国的留学潮中收益颇丰:根据美国国际教育研究所发布的《2013年门户开放报告》(该报告就美国国际学生的流动性给出详细数据)显示,在2012至2013学年,在美中国留学生人数增长了21.4%,总人数达到23.5万人。     Similarly, the number of overseas returnees is surging, especially since 2008 when developed countries were greatly affected by the economic crisis. In 2009, the number of returnees, for the first time, surpassed 100,000 and this has increased at an annual rate of about 50 percent ever since.     与此同时,海归的人数也在猛增,特别是自从2008年金融危机席卷各发达国家之后。2009年,海归人数首次突破10万,此后,这一数字一直以每年约50%的速度增长。     Various reasons contribute to this growing trend, with family issues believed to be the primary one. According to Wang Huiyao, the report’s author, most students are only children and tend to depend on their parents. Besides, the economic situation in China has boosted returnees’ confidence in a future career at home.     造成这一增长趋势的原因有很多,家庭因素被认为是首要原因。该报告的编着者王辉耀表示,大部分学生都是独生子女,往往依赖于父母。此外,中国大好的经济形势也增强了海归们回国就业的信心。     Surging cost     高涨的费用     Accompanying the increase in the number of students leaving and returning to China is the increase in the study abroad costs. According to the Open Doors 2013 report, international students pay an average of 135,000 yuan per year to attend a public university in the US, a 3.1 percent increase on the previous year.     随着中国留学生与海归人数的增长,留学的花费也在一路走高。根据美国《2013年门户开放报告》显示,进入美国公立大学的留学生平均每年需支付13.5万元人民币的费用,较上一年增长了3.1%。     A separate report by the China Consumers’ Association on study abroad consumption suggests that in hot study abroad destinations like Boston, New York and Chicago, 200,000 yuan is needed annually for the tuition fee. The report also reveals that students need another 80,000 to 100,000 yuan to cover living costs.     根据中国消费者协会发布的另一份留学消费报告显示,在像波士顿、纽约、芝加哥这样的留学热门城市,每年需要支付20万元的学费。该报告还指出,除了学费之外,学生们还需要准备8-10万元的生活费。     Good career prospects     美好的职业前景     Even if the cost is high, most returnees believe their overseas experience is worthwhile and helpful for their career. The annual report reveals that 86 percent of returnees found a job within six months. However, their salary is not always satisfactory. Only 22.5 percent of returnees say their job offer meets their expectations, according to the Annual Report on the Development of Chinese Returnees.     尽管费用高昂,大部分海归仍认为自己的留学经历物有所值且有助于事业发展。2013年度《中国海归发展报告》称,86%的海归能在6个月内找到工作。然而,他们的薪水却并不尽如人意。该报告显示,只有22.5%的海归表示工作符合预期。     Hao Jian, chief consultant at Zhilian Recruiting, thinks returnees’ high expectations for their salary are reasonable, but it’s wise to focus more on the job prospects than the money. “The advantages returnees have should not be underestimated. Though they may need five years to earn back the study abroad costs, with the right career plan, they’ll have a tremendous future,” he says.     智联招聘首席人力资源顾问郝建表示,海归对于薪水的高期望是合理的,但明智之举是更加关注职业前景而不是金钱。他说:“不要低估海归们的优势。虽然他们也许要五年时间才能收回留学成本,但在正确的职业规划的指引下,他们可谓前途无量。”     His view is echoed in the 2013 Survey Report on Overseas Returnees’ Employability. The report, published by the Education International Cooperation Group (EIC Group), found that returnees’ salaries see a big increase in the long run. The average salary for a returnee with less than three years of work experience is 149,700 yuan a year. But returnees with more than seven years of experience can earn an average of 222,700 yuan a year. Employees with no overseas experience do not enjoy such rapid increases in their salary.     他的观点在启德教育集团发布的《2013海归就业力调查报告》中得到了验证。该报告指出,从长远来看,海归的薪水会有大幅度提升。工作经验少于三年的海归平均年薪在14.97万元,而具备7年以上工作经验的海归年薪则可以达到22.27万元。薪水增长之快,令没有留学经历的职员们望尘莫及。     “Good command of a foreign language, an international point of view, a large network and a comprehensive set of skills are the advantages of returnees,” says Zhang Yang, general manager of EIC’s overseas education department. “As long as they get used to the work environment and gain some experience, they’ll have a good opportunity for promotion.”     外语能力强、有国际视野、人脉广、技能全面,这些都是海归的优势。只要他们适应工作环境并积累经验,他们就有很大的升职机会。


