发布时间:2025-01-21 12:01:32来源:未知

Your portfolio should consist of 12 to 20 examples of any type of two- or three dimensional work you have completed recently. We suggest that the work reflect your ideas, interests, experience and abilities in the arts to date. It may be in any media, may be finished or in sketch form, and may be the result of an assigned class project or a self-directed exploration. We strongly suggest that as part of this visual presentation you also reproduce and submit 2-3 pages from your journal or sketchbook to indicate your process of research, thinking or investigation.
Your portfolio must be reproduced and may be submitted using Slideroom, an online portfolio submission service; as digital image files on a CD or DVD; or as unmounted digital or photographic prints (no larger than 8.5" x 11" or 21.5cm x 28cm each). Detailed instructions for using Slideroom are available on the site (risd.slideroom.com). Slideroom charges $10 for using this submission option.
If you choose to send your portfolio directly to RISD on a CD/DVD, each image should be submitted as a separate file in .jpg format. Individual files should not exceed 3MB. Do not combine images in a prepared presentation or slideshow of any type (e.g., PowerPoint or Keynote). Please be sure to include a printed thumbnail page showing all the images submitted digitally. Time-based work or performance pieces may be submitted as QuickTime or .mpg files on a CD or DVD.
Whichever format you select, include a work description sheet. Number the examples you are submitting and on your description page list the corresponding number, medium, size, date of completion and title for each work. It is very important that your full name and address be clearly noted on each CD, DVD, print, description and thumbnail page submitted.
再如:雪城大学Syracuse University的视觉与展示艺术学院,下设艺术、设计与跨媒体专业,传播与修辞学专业,戏剧专业和音乐专业。其中跨媒体方向又分为艺术摄影、艺术影像、电脑艺术设计和电影四个分支,以下为这四个分支对于作品集的要求:
Art photography
Submit a portfolio of 12 to 20 images online or on CD or DVD. Digital images on CD or DVD must be submitted as an Adobe (.pdf) or PowerPoint slide show (.pps). Images should not be larger than 1008 x 792 dpi. Include a hard copy list of images and a one-page artist's statement.
Art video
Submit original videos online or on DVD. You may also include original scripts.
Computer art
Submit web sites and multimedia examples online. Include a description of each using the template provided in SlideRoom.
Submit original films or film clips (approximately 5 minutes in length) online or on DVD. You may also include original scripts.