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发布时间:2025-01-07 18:12:41来源:未知

Quora精选:牛津大学的学霸是怎么学习的 Quora精选:牛津大学的学霸是怎么学习的?What are the study habits of top students at Oxford University?牛津大学学霸有什么学习习惯?Study Habit #1 - Go to your lectures.学习习惯#1——去听讲座。For the first 2 years of Oxford, I went to maybe 4 lectures out of hundreds available. I was arrogant, foolish, lazy, and severely disadvantaging myself.在牛津的前两年,有数百场讲座,而我大概只去了4场。我很自负、愚蠢、懒惰,严重地害了自己。In my third year, I went to almost every single lecture available. Including those involving topics I was not personally involved or interested in. 大三时几乎每场讲座我都去,包括我涉及不到的或不感兴趣的话题。My mind changed when I actually went to lectures. 去听讲座以后我的想法变了。Firstly, lectures are FUN! Sure, some of them suck. But I found so many gems that influenced my thinking. I found so many passionate, knowledgeable speakers who got me excited about the topic. 首先,讲座很有趣!当然有些讲座很差劲,但我发现了很多影响我思想的有价值的讲座,我发现了很多有激情有学识的演讲者,他们使我对那个话题都感兴趣了。Second, I remembered more stuff! An hour in the lecture hall has massive returns on investment.其次,我记住了更多东西!你投入到讲座的一个小时会有丰厚回报。Study Habit #2: Be an active student.学习习惯#2:做一个积极的学生。For my first year at Oxford, I barely said anything in tutorials. I didn’t volunteer in discussions and, as a result, I didn’t understand much. 我在牛津的第一年在导师个别指导课上很少说话。我不会主动参与任何讨论,所以理解的也不好。My understandings of different texts never matured or became complex. They stayed the same. And they were often wrong. 我对不同文本的理解一直都不成熟,也不深刻,理解能力一如从前,也经常是错的。Then, somewhere in the middle of my second year, I got over myself and offered more of my own opinions. I responded to others, asked thoughtful questions, and interacted way more.后来大二期中的一段时间我开始超越自己,更多地提出自己的想法,响应其他人,问有深度的问题,和别人的互动也多了。Being an active student also means asking for help. The smartest people in the world learned everything from other smart people.做一个积极的学生也意味着向他人求助,世界上最聪明的人的智慧都是从其他聪明人那儿学来的。Study Habit #3: Establish a perfect study environment.学习习惯#3:建立完美的学习环境。This is a very personal place and it needs to be somewhere you instantly click into study mode. 这个地方因人而异,你需要找一个能让你立刻进入学习状态的地方。It might be your dorm room. It might be your library. It might be your local coffee shop. 可能是你的宿舍;可能是图书馆;可能是当地的咖啡店。My perfect study environment was actually the Oxford English Faculty building. 最适合我的学习地点其实是牛津英语学院教学楼。This is where all my lectures were. It was totally silent.我的课都在那儿上,那里很安静。Study Habit #4: Study in small chunks.学习习惯#4:把学习内容分成小块。It doesn’t matter how much new information you stuff into your head if you forget it the next day or cannot apply it. 如果所学内容第二天就忘了或者不会应用的话你往脑袋里塞多少新知识都没用。When you structure your studying, the most important task is always to ensure you are remembering the information you have already learned. 安排学习任务时最重要的是总要确保自己记住了所学内容。That always comes first.这才是你首先要考虑的。In order to improve your retention and absorb more information, you need to break your studying up into manageable blocks (not studying new information for hours on end) and reviewing what you’ve previously learned in each new block.为了改善记忆力记住更多知识,你需要把所学内容分成易掌握的模块(不要连续几小时学习新知识),并且在学习新模块时复习一下之前所学的内容。(翻译:菲菲)声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。


